Food allergies in Children Increases

We parents should know this, for our children’s sake.. We should be careful.

Food allergies in American children seem to be on the rise, now affecting about 3 million kids, according to the first federal study of the problem. CONTINUE



Fainting is due to a temporary insufficient supply of blood reaching the brain as a result of one or more of the following conditions:

  1. fatigue, fright, fear, emotion, mental shock;
  2. lack of food, lack of fluids, heat exhaustion;
  3. injury, pain, loss of blood;
  4. lack of fresh air.

If a person looks pale and starts to sway about, prevent him from fainting by making him sit down with his legs apart and his head well down between his knees, or lay him flat on his back and raise his legs. If you are sure that he can swallow, give him a little water; this will help to revive him.


The sudden, involuntary spasm of muscles known as cramp causes acute pain, but it is usually dangerous only if a swimmer is affected. Cramp maybe caused by chilling during or after exercise such as swimming, by poor muscular coordination during exercise, or by loss of salt through severe sweating, vomiting or diarrhea. It can also occur during sleep for no apparent reason.

The spasm is generally relieved by stretching the affected muscles. This can be done by the sufferer, but it is often easier if another person can help gently to straighten the limb.


  • Straighten your fingers, using gentle force if necessary.
  • Spread your fingers and press down on the outstretched tips.
  • Massage the affected muscles as you stretch them.


  • Straighten your leg and stand up.
  • Press down on your heel and toes alternately.
  • Lean forward slightly to stretch the calf muscles.
  • Massage the muscles as you stretch them.


  • Stand on the ball of the foot so that your toes are forced up. Alternatively, sit down and pull your toes up towards the shin with your hand.
  • Massage the muscles as you stretch them.


  • Sit on the floor and straighten the leg. Then bear down at the knee to stretch the thigh muscles. If there is someone to help, get him to raise your leg by the heel and press down on the knee with the other hand.
  • Massage the muscles.

To treat it, drink plenty of water. If the symptoms persist seek medical advice

Treatment: Dislocation of the finger

Dislocation of the finger is a common injury in boxing or after a fall on an open hand. The history, the pain, and the obvious deformity make the diagnosis simple.

TREATMENT: Reduction is achieved by steady pulling on the finger. When muscle spasm is overcome the displaced bone slips back into position as the finger is bent. Apply a small splint to the palm surface of the finger for 14 days, but see that it is removed each day and the finger well exercised to prevent stiffness. If there is any doubt full recovery from the injury, the patient should be seen by a doctor at he earliest opportunity.

Rules For Bandaging

10 Rules:

1. Apply the outer side of the tail of the bandage to the injured part.

2. Bandage limbs from below upwards and from within outwards.

3. Apply a bandage so that each layer covers two-thirds of the previous one. Keep the edges parallel.

4. Never bandage without having previously applied a pad of cottonwool. Such a pad should around a limb or a finger. The cottonwool prevents compression of the veins and still allows the bandaging to be firm. If there is a wound, gauze should be placed over it before the cottonwool is applied.

5. Stand in front of the hand or foot when bandaging a limb.

6. In dressing a limb or fixing a splint do not cover the tips of the fingers or toes; they are a useful guide to whether the bandage is too tight. Blueness of the nails and swelling or numbness of the fingers indicate the need to loosen the bandage.

7. Make al reverses or crossings in a line on the outer side of the limb.

8. When bandaging the elbow keep it at right angles and make sure that a large pad of cottonwool is placed round the joint to avoid constricting the blood vessels.

9. When bandaging the knee keep it slightly bent.

10. Complete the bandage with a safety-pin or a narrow strip of adhesive plaster.

Watermelon: Can Improve Your Sex Life

Washington (dbTechno) – It was reported on late last week that watermelon acts just like a natural Viagra, and can greatly improve your sex life. The question has come up though, how much watermelon do you need to eat to see these results? The answer may surprise you. Scientists from the Texas A&M Fruit and Vegetable Improvement Center reported last week that watermelon contains an organic compound called citrulline. This compound is very similar to sildenafil citrate in how it acts.


Hepatitis: What to avoid?

MKSol: Physical Therapy Weekly Health Report


MKSol: Physical Therapy Weekly Health Report

Saunas: Take care if you are not fit

MKSol: Physical Therapy Weekly Health Report

The harm caused by inactivity

MKSol: Physical Therapy Weekly Health Report

Physical Therapy

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